How much has TVE spent on ESC 2015?

A little while ago, the National High Court of Spain told TVE that they should have revealed how much they had spent on Eurovision 2015. Yesterday, the Supreme Court said an opposite thing.

RTVE has not reveled them basing on the possible commercial damage that it would cause. This decision was not supported by the High Court that told TVE that the cost of Eurovision 2015 had to be revealed. As the judges said:

“[…] privando de este modo de una información general que no exige una comparación con los gastos de otros años o la rentabilidad económica, datos que afectarían a los intereses económicos y comerciales de RTVE”

TVE takes general information away from the spaniards. Revealing that doesn’t require doing a comparision with another years’ cost or giving information about its profitability, because that could harm the commercial interests of RTVE.

Audiencia Nacional

Basically, the High Court (HC) expressed that transparency is more important than RTVE’s commercial interests. RTVE had presented a new appeal to avoid the HC order, now to the Spanish Supreme Court, that has accepted it.

This means that TVE’s intentions of being a more transparent broadcast are not very strong.


